Abati [1406]; Algarobo [1406]; Asucar-huain [1406]; Avati [1406]; Corobore [1406]; Courbaril [1406]; Guapinol [1406]; Jatahy [1406]; Jatai [1406]; Jataiba [1406]; Jatoba [1406]; Jutahy [1406]; Locust [1406]; Nazareno [1406]; Pampa Estoraque [1406]; Simiri [1406]; South American Locust [2023]; Stinking Tree [2]; Timbary [1406]; Trapuca [1406]; West Indian Locust [1902, 2023]; West Indian Locust Tree [2] |
Description [1406, 2023, 2996, 3001, 3402, 3408, 3898] ; Distribution Map [1406] ; Illustration [1406, 2996, 3408] |
Climbing: Not climbing [3011] [3052] [3402] ; Conservation Status: Not Threatened ; Further editing: 2004-2005 Novoselova MS ; Habit: Tree [3011] [3052] ; Lifespan: Perennial [3011] [3052] ; Source(s): 1988 (Africa) Lock JM, 1988 (Americas) Zarucchi JL, 1993 (Indian Ocean) Lock JM & Ireland H, 1993 Zarucchi JL, 2003-11 (Madagascar) Novoselova MS extract [3402], 2004 (Malesia) Lock JM & Ford C (SJ2005), 2004-01 (Fl.Sinicae) Novos |
Chemical products [2, 1406, 2023]; Domestic [3011]; Wood [1406, 2023, 2996] |
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