Description [232, 261, 1915, 3440] ; Illustration [261] |
Climbing: Not climbing [261] ; Conservation Status: Not Threatened ; Habit: Herb [261] ; Lifespan: Annual, Perennial [261] [1915] ; Source(s): 1988 (Africa) Lock JM, 1990 (New Zealand & Pacific) Horn P, 1993 (Indian Ocean) Lock JM & Ireland H, 1993 Polhill RM, 2004 (Malesia) Lock JM & Ford C (SJ2005), 2004-01 (Fl.Sinicae) Novoselova MS extract, 2005 (Indian Ocean) Lock J |
Forage [261, 1915] |
8. |
Lock, J.M., 1985 | |
Specimen in Herb.Kew |
210. |
Gillett, J.B. et al., 1971 | |
Papilionoideae.In:Fl.Trop.E.Africa,Milne-Redhead & Polhill |
232. |
Schreiber, A., 1980 | |
60.Papilion.In:Prodr.Flora von Sudwestafrika.Merxmuller,H. |
261. |
Verdcourt, B., 1979 | |
A Manual of New Guinea Legumes. Office of Forests, Lae,PNG |
522. |
Dummer, R.A., 1913 | |
Trans.Roy.Soc.S.Afr.3,2:276-330. ..the species of Lotononis. |
1915. |
Polhill, R, M., 1990 | |
Legumineuses.In:Flore des Mascareignes,Vol 80.J. Bosser et a |
2222. |
Van Wyk, B-E., 1991 | |
Contrib.from the Bolus Herbarium No.14 A synop of gen Loton. |
2264. |
Parham, J.W., 1972 | |
Plants of the Fiji Islands |
3440. |
Yang, C.Y., 1998 | |
Crotalaria &... In:Fl.Reip.Pop.Sinicae,42(2) (Leguminosae 5) |