Bejuco De Peseta [2157]; Liane a Clous [2157]; Membrillo [1430]; Money Bush [1430]; Palo De Brasilete [1430]; Veronica [3145]; Veronica-de-igapo [3145] |
Description [1056, 1250, 1409, 1442, 1790, 2157, 2262, 2288, 3348] ; Distribution Map [2262] ; Illustration [2288] |
Climbing: Climbing, Not climbing ; Conservation Status: Not Threatened ; Further editing: 2005-07 (Americas update) Sokolova IV [3348], 2005-10 Agababian M - Ed.scr.French Names ; Habit: Shrub, Tree ; Lifespan: Perennial ; Source(s): 1988 (Americas) Zarucchi JL, 1993 Zarucchi JL, 1993-12 Cavalcante de Lima H, 2000-02 Heald J |
1056. |
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Bol.Tecn.Inst.Agron.N.18:1-248 Notas Flora Neotropica-II:Ama |
1250. |
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Ann.Missouri Bot.Gard.52(1):1-54 ...Dalbergieae |
1290. |
Fournet, J., 1978 | |
Flore illustree des phanerogames de Guadeloupe & Martinique |
1342. |
Howard, R.A., 1973 | |
J.Arnold Arbor.54(4):435-470 Enumer.& Select. N.Von Jacquin |
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Leon, H. & Alain, H., 1951 | |
Flora de Cuba 2:224-367 Leguminosas |
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Liogier, A.H., 1988 | |
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Publ.Field Mus.Nat.Hist.,Bot.Ser.13(3/1):1-506 Leguminosae |
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Howard, R.A. et al., 1988 | |
Dicotyledoneae Part 1.Fl. Lesser Antilles Arnold Arboretum |
2157. |
Liogier, A.H., 1985 | |
La Flore de la Espanola.III |
2262. |
Carvalho,, 1989 | |
Syst.stud..Dalbergia in Brazil Phd thesis,Univ.Reading |
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Boggan, V. et al., 1993 | |
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Hoehne, F.C., 1941 | |
Flora Brasilica 25(3):1-100, t.1-107 |
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Brittonia 49(1):87-109 Synopsis of genus Dalbergia in Brazil |
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3348. |
Stevens, W.D., et al., 2001 | |
Flora de Nicaragua,85(2)...Missouri Bot.Gard.Press |