Description [2022, 2239, 3348, 3674] ; Distribution Map [2239] ; Illustration [3593] |
Climbing: Not climbing [2022] [2239] ; Further editing: 2003-02 (1997/1998 Editorial Scrutiny) Roskov YR, 2004-2005 Novoselova MS, 2005-07 (Americas update) Sokolova IV [3348] ; Habit: Shrub [2022] [2239], Tree [2022] [2239] ; Lifespan: Perennial [2022] [2239] ; Scrutinised globally by taxonomic co-ordinator: 1994/1995 Barneby RC & Forero E ; Source(s): 1988 (Americas) Zarucchi JL, 2004 (Malesia) Lock JM & Ford C (SJ2005), 2004-11 (S Asia) Kumar S & Sane P |
Forage [3653]; Wood [2022, 3653] |
1408. |
Lemee, A., 1952 | |
Flore de la Guyane francaise 2:36-162 Legumineuses |
1479. |
Mohlenbrock, R.H., 1962 | |
Webbia 17(1):153-186Revision of Leguminous Genus Ateleia |
2022. |
Nielsen, I.C., 1992 | |
Flora Malesiana, Series I Vol II Part I Mimosaceae. |
2239. |
Barneby, R.C., 1991 | |
Mem.N.Y.Bot.Gard. 65. Sensitivae Censitae (Mimosa). |
3004. |
Ford, C.S., 1994 | |
Kew Herbarium Material. |
3348. |
Stevens, W.D., et al., 2001 | |
Flora de Nicaragua,85(2)...Missouri Bot.Gard.Press |
3593. |
Matthew, K.M., 1996 | |
Illustrations on the Flora of the Plain Hills, South India. |
3653. |
Anonymous, 1979 | |
Tropical Legumes:Resources for the Future. Washington. |
3674. |
Sasidharan, N. & Sivarajan, V.V., 1996 | |
Flowering plants of Thrissur Forest...Kerala,India. Jodhpur. |