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     Albania( 163 taxa)
     Austria-f.e.( 119 taxa)
     Azores( 52 taxa)
     Balearic Is( 100 taxa)
     Belgium-f.e.( 72 taxa)
     Bulgaria( 160 taxa)
     Corsica( 139 taxa)
     Czechoslovakia( 115 taxa)
     Finland( 45 taxa)
     Foroyar( 10 taxa)
     France( 17 taxa)
     France-f.e.( 233 taxa)
     Germany-f.e.( 106 taxa)
     Great Britain( 84 taxa)
     Greece( 201 taxa)
     Hungary( 105 taxa)
     Iceland( 14 taxa)
     Ireland-f.e.( 39 taxa)
     Italy-f.e.( 243 taxa)
     Kriti( 125 taxa)
     Malta( 11 taxa)
     Netherlands( 59 taxa)
     Norway( 52 taxa)
     Poland( 84 taxa)
     Portugal( 174 taxa)
     Romania( 143 taxa)
     Sardegna( 140 taxa)
     Sicilia-f.e.( 157 taxa)
     Spain( 20 taxa)
     Spain-f.e.( 218 taxa)
     Svalbard( 3 taxa)
     Sweden( 63 taxa)
     Switzerland( 110 taxa)
     Turkey In Europe( 133 taxa)
     Ussr-f.e.( 1 taxon)
     Ussr:b-f.e.( 52 taxa)
     Ussr:c-f.e.( 78 taxa)
     Ussr:e-f.e.( 84 taxa)
     Ussr:k-f.e.( 111 taxa)
     Ussr:n-f.e.( 41 taxa)
     Ussr:w-f.e.( 109 taxa)
     Yugoslavia( 200 taxa)

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