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Click underlined Places   
to view subunits
Click underlined counts
to view associated taxa
     Africa( 1365 taxa)
     Asia( 151 taxa)
     Australasia( 50 taxa)
     Caribbean( 287 taxa)
     Central America( 377 taxa)
     Europe( 355 taxa)
     Indian Ocean( 86 taxa)
     Middle East( 189 taxa)
     North America( 432 taxa)
     Pacific Ocean( 29 taxa)
     South America( 645 taxa)
     South Atlantic & S.oceans( 2 taxa)

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*** ILDIS Database Version 1.06.11 March 1990 ***
© ILDIS, 1990
Web last revised:  19/09/2012,  11:34:04    Aweb for Alice overview